Cirrus architecture

Cirrus overview

An overall picture of Cirrus looks like this:


As shown in that diagram, input Cirrus Process Payloads are published into an input SNS topic via users or automated Feeder processes. Those input payloads are enqueued in an SQS queue for processing by the process lambda. process creates or updates the State DB record for the payload and starts a Workflow execution by dispatching the payload to the specified Workflow.

Any output items and their assets are persisted to S3, and the output items are published to an output SNS topic that can notify downstream subscribers like stac-server of newly-processed items.

At the end of a workflow execution an EventBridge event is triggered, which notifies the listening update-state lambda that the execution has completed. update-state updates the State DB record for the processed payload in accordance with the final workflow state (success, failed, aborted, or invalid), and triggers any necessary follow-up actions. For example, failed or invalid executions can trigger notifications to the Failure/Invalid SNS topic(s), and successful payloads using workflow chaining can be re-enqueued for the next stage of the processing chain.

Workflow structure

Workflows are composed of one or more Tasks, which use an input Cirrus Process Payload to define input metadata/assets for the Task processing. A workflow could look something like this:


This example workflow begins with a preprocessing step to do some initial metadata modifications. Following that, a batch task to perform some computationally-intensive manipulation of the input item data assets, and a create preview task then generates a new preview image asset. The workflow ends with a publish task step, which pushes the final generated item to S3 for persistence and the Cirrus publish SNS topic for and subscribed downstream consumers of this Workflow’s items.

In the event of any task failure, the failure step in the step function ensures that the step function execution will end in a FAILED state. If all steps complete successfully then the execution will end in a SUCCEEDED state.


execution: An individual run of a workflow on a payload

feeder: A function that generates payload and adds them to the Cirrus process queue

payload: A Cirrus Process Payload used as input to a workflow

publish: Uploading output STAC Items to s3 and publishing the Items to the Cirrus Publish SNS topic

statedb: A database used to track the state of executions

task: A single function operating on a Cirrus Process Payload running on Lambda or Batch

workflow: An AWS Step Function consisting of 1 or more tasks

Naming conventions