Writing workflow definitions

Cirrus workflows, being implemented via AWS Step Functions, are written in the AWS States Language. Like all Cirrus components, workflows require both a definition.yml file and a README.md file. Cirrus uses the Serverless plugin serverless-step-functions to underlay the workflow definitions and therefore the definition.yml format is more or less as documented by the plugin.

Simple example

We can use the built-in publish-only workflow as a simple example of a minimal Cirrus workflow definition.yml:

name: '#{AWS::StackName}-publish-only
enabled: true
  Comment: Simple example that just publishes input Collections and items
  StartAt: publish
      Type: Task
      Resource: !GetAtt publish.Arn
      End: True
        - ErrorEquals: ["Lambda.TooManyRequestsException", "Lambda.Unknown"]
          IntervalSeconds: 1
          BackoffRate: 2.0
          MaxAttempts: 5
        - ErrorEquals: ["States.ALL"]
          ResultPath: $.error
          Next: failure
      Type: Fail

The top-level keys in this example are among those supported by the serverless-step-functions plugin, with the exception of enabled, which is a Cirrus-specific parameter that controls whether this workflow definition should be included or not when compiling the Serverless configuration.

Workflow naming

How a workflow is named is important. Here we can see the name is #{AWS::StackName}-publish-only, where #{AWS::StackName} is like ${self:service}-${self:provider.stage}. If our service is cirrus (the default) and our stage is, say, dev, then the resulting step function will be created with the name cirrus-dev-publish-only.

The process Lambda function which handles all incoming payloads and dispatches them to the specified workflow does so via building the specified workflow name into a full step function ARN, which it can then execute with the input payload. process builds step function ARNs by appending the workflow name to the string given by arn:aws:states:#{AWS::Region}:#{AWS::AccountId}:stateMachine:#{AWS::StackName}-. As process is part of the same CloudFormation stack as workflow step functions, the prefix string above is common to all workflows. Thus, a payload only needs to specify a workflow name of publish-only, and process can derive the step function ARN and execute the workflow.

The important takeaway here is that for workflows to be compatible with process’s ARN builder they must be named using the format #{AWS::StackName}-<workflow_name>, as in the example.

Basic step function structure

All workflows share some common structure within the state machine definition:

  • A Comment provides a short description of the workflow processing/operations

  • At least one Task state defined

  • StartAt set to the first state in the in the step function

  • At least one state with End: True representing a successful completion of the workflow

  • A state of type Fail to which all workflow states will go on fatal error

    • Doing so necessitates that each state properly catches all error states, as in the example, to define a the Fail state as the next step in the event of an error (with some exceptions, like Batch tasks, which are part of a larger block of connected tasks)

  • While not strictly required, most every workflow should use the built-in publish task to push all output items into S3 for canonical storage, and to the cirrus-<stage>-publish topic to trigger any downstream systems accepting output items (e.g., stac-server ingest)

Review the built-in workflows for additional examples of how to structure a more complex workflow. Also see how to use Batch tasks in a workflow for details related to that specific scenario.

Triggering workflows off one another

It is not uncommon to model a processing pipeline as a series of connected workflows. Cirrus allows several means of building such multi-stage pipelines:

  • Workflow chaining: a pre-defined chain can be specified in an input process payload, where all workflows/process definitions can be generated ahead of time. Alternatively, steps within a workflow can add additional workflows to the chain in the payload being processed, where dynamic chains are required.

    Chaining is most useful where a single input payload will generate one or more outputs for one or more successive workflows. That is, chaining supports one or more branches, but does not have any facilities to accommodate merging branches together.

    See the workflow chaining documentation for further details.

  • Workflow callbacks: allow workflows to wait on one or more sub-workflows. Callbacks can be used to model something like chains in the form of an outer workflow, but can also model merging the output of multiple workflows together.

    Callbacks are most useful when a workflow has a dependency on the output items from multiple other workflow executions.

    See the workflow callback documentation for further details.

  • Publish topic subscriptions: custom Lambda functions or other such listeners can be subscribed to the cirrus-<stage>-publish SNS topic to process workflow output items. These functions can be used as feeders, performaing any custom logic on output items before triggering any additional workflow executions required.

    While chaining and callbacks solve most common cases where workflows need to trigger off one another, reach for this solution when custom trigger conditions don’t quite fit with the in-the-box approaches.

Workflow best practices

Cirrus has a few guardrails, but generally aims to stay out of the way and retain as much flexibility as possible to ensure arbitrary constraints cannot get in the way and prevent any legitimate use-cases. This is particularly true for Cirrus workflow features and AWS step functions, and this flexibility can sometimes work against users. That said, following certain guidelines can help ensure a Cirrus deployment remains easy to manage and administer.

Keep in mind the rules on this list are not hard and fast, but it’s recommended to understand the how and why behind a rule before deciding to break it.

AWS step function best practices

AWS maintains their own list of best practices for step functions. Review this list for general step function considerations.

One such example from the list is to be sure to handle lambda quota limits. The publish-only example has an Retry error handler for that purpose.

Try to use only one input item per workflow

State tracking and execution management is much easier to follow if workflows have only a single input item. While this is not always possible, trying to keep to this guideline is worthwhile.

In some cases, using a synthetic item (an “AOI” item, a list item) that can query for or in some other way resolve the full set of input items is a great way to achieve this goal when needing multiple items in a workflow. It is best to try to ensure the synthetic item will always resolve the same set of input items.

Keep workflows short and focused

Generally speaking, a workflow should model a single level of processing. Conflating multiple levels of processing into a single worflow should be a good indication that a workflow is doing too much and should be split up.

If modeling a single level of processing requires one or more set of intermediate outputs to be persisted, that is also a good indication that the workflow should be further broken down into a set of workflows modeling the deriviation of each set of intermediate outputs, with one final workflow creating the actual outputs for the processing level.

In short, it is often best to defer to more short workflows than fewer long ones.

Workflows should not produce different outputs from the same set of inputs

See the Cirrus Process Payload docs for additional details on how Cirrus’s idempotency check works. Generally speaking, cirrus will use the set of input items as a proxy for the outputs produced by a given workflow. Don’t rely on workflow/task parameters to change the set outputs, as those settings are not referenced as part of the idempotency check.

This also leads into the next best practice…

Make workflows specific, not flexible

It is tempting to make workflows as flexible as possible, having them use parameters in the process definition to control all sorts of dynamic behavior. While certain types of dynamism can be advantageous (picking resource requirements for a batch job depending on input data properties, for example), generally dynamism in workflows is best avoided, for a few reasons:

^ Dynamism within a workflow means one cannot simply assume different

executions of the same workflow did similar things. This makes troubleshooting harder and raises the cognitive load of pipeline management.

^ Dynamic workflows can lead to needing to run the workflow multiple times to

create different sets of outputs. See above.

In other words, restricting dynamic parameters to those that do not affect the type/contents of the output items is best.

Don’t use workflows for side effects

Given that workflows are intended to be functional processing units that transform a given input(s) into a fixed set of outputs, using workflows for side effects is a Cirrus anti-pattern. If needing to trigger some action for every input payload–already processed, in processing, or brand new–reach for a different event-based solution.